The memory of the object
Xavier Bobés
Tuesday, 2. July 2019 - 9:00

© Álvaro Prats
Everything that surrounds us in our everyday life reflects our doubts, fears, joys and all the objects around us with their form, colour, weight, volume portray us. We will choose different objects which inspire us, which influence us in our daily routine. We will create a series of improvisations to intensify their expressiveness and poetic content. The most insignificant gesture, the smallest object, everything that we try to avoid often reveals our human nature. The environment represents us and manipulating it, will give rise to a poetry that will be metaphors of our emotions, of the reality in which we live. The universe of the objects presents numerous enigmas to the interpreters about what surrounds them and about themselves. This workshop cannot reveal or completely decode them, but will present their potential and will play with their possibilities.
Max. 25 participants
Price of admission
Eintritt 15,– € / 8,– € (erm.)