Un Poyo Rojo
Hermes Gaido / Luciano Rosso / Alfonso Barón
Friday, 3. July 2015 - 21:00

© Paola Evelina
Inside a locker room. Two artists stand side by side, enveloped in silence. We can hear their breathing. The tension is palpable. Very little dialogue, instead we hear the sound of their bodies and are drawn into their primal language, a language which remains and intensifies throughout the show. Poyo Rojo uses multiple expressive means – dance, athletic competition, martial arts, acrobatics, body percussion and mime – to bring to life the possible feelings and interactions between two individuals. Poyo Rojo is a fireworks of incredible energy and humor.
»A sort of detonator… one leaves captivated and joyous.« Le Bruit du Off
»Freshness, talent, untiring energy and a rigourous technical performance« Mirada Teatral
Artistic Direction
Hermes Gaido
Alfonso Barón
Luciano Rosso
a portable Radio
Luciano Rosso
Nicolás Poggi
Julien Barazer
Javier Solis
Price of admission
15 € / 8 € reduced