Rouge Chaperon
Cie Mouka
Thursday, 2. July 2015 - 18:00

© Maud Nigot
»The wolf, after having eaten parts of the Grandmother, places the rest of the meat in a plate and pours the blood into a bottle that he hands over to Red Riding Hood for her dinner. Then the wolf invites the young girl into his bed …«
With puppets and objects the two actresses dive into the story of Red Riding Hood – but definitely not the version of the well known fairy tale which has lulled us all to sleep in our childhood. Cie Mouka digs deeper to the shallows of the precursors that are far more folkloristic and cruel. The story of »Eat or be Eaten« will unfold in a culinary universe. And of course, the two actresses will not only be the instigators and witnesses but also the cooks of the narration.
Artistic Direction / Production
Marion Gardie
Claire Rosolin
Flore Audebeau
Puppets / Masks
Marion Bourdil
Julien Lot
Price of admission
15 € / 8 € reduced