Lange Nacht des Physical Theatre
KimchiBrot Connection / Sebastian Gisi & Alejandra Jenni Palma / Wild Vlees / Sindy Tscherrig
Saturday, 4. July 2015 - 21:00

© Svenja Jöres / Kristina Korsnes
KimchiBrot Connection (DE)
Once upon a mind
Forms of relationship are changing constantly. Marriage is out. Nowadays we enjoy the advantages of being together without any commitment. Assumed that we keep quiet. But what happens if someone breaks the silence?»Once upon a mind« is an unmasking look behind the mockups of today‘s partner relationships.
Elisa Hofmann und Constantin Hochkeppel study Physical Theatre at the Folkwang University of the Arts. In 2013 they founded the collective KimchiBrotConnection. The topics they approach are always connected to us humans as social being – with all our emotions, hopes, dreams and also compromises we have to make when we get involved with others.
20 mins
Artistic Direction / Performance: Constantin Hochkeppel, Elisabeth Hofmann
Outside Eye: Mu-Yi Kuo
Sebastian Gisi & Alejandra Jenni Palma (DE/CH)
Hör mir zu
A piece about the long and painful way to Europe. Arrived in Germany, and then? With »Hör mir zu« Gisi and Jenni Palma want to encourage the contact of us Europeans with fled migrants in giving an emotional basis for discussion instead of wild and sometimes reckless statements about refugees.
Alejandra Jenni Palma und Sebastian Gisi are Physical Theatre students at the Folkwang University of the Arts. This production is their first collaboration. They developed it as part of their studies and have played it on several occasions, among others at the International Day of Human Rights in Bochum. Through this work they are in close contact with refugees and relief organisations. Together they plan further projects.
25 mins
Artistic Direction / Performance: Sebastian Gisi, Alejandra Jenni Palma
Wild Vlees (NL)
Body on
Two performers in an empty space, in search for each other. Looking for a way of allowing the other to be close, testing the limits of intimacy and pushing the boundaries of being together. Their bodies struggle with the space around and with each other in their most intimate reality: liquids, weight, smell, skin, touch. Where do I start to be afraid of intimacy, of the wilderness of our human bodies? They can be uncomfortable, intimidating, shameful, disgusting... and pleasurable.
Tamar Blom and Kajetan Uranitsch graduated from the Mime Department of the Amsterdam School of the Arts in 2014. »Body On« won the acclaimed Its Parade Parel 2014 at the Its Festival in Amsterdam.
35 mins
Artistic Direction / Performance: Tamar Blom, Kajetan Uranitsch
Sindy Tscherrig (DE/CH)
bald werde ich mich räuspern wollen
It is not nice when nobody comes to celebrate your birthday with you. But what else has to happen for the final straw? We little humans – pressure-resistend sealed – have learnt to handle more and more pressure, to raise the boiling point higher and higher. Only when the little human is not maintained correctly, he can crack-up eventually. It is about time that it is time.
Sindy Tscherrig comes from Switzerland. From 2008 till 2012 she studied Physical Theatre at the Folkwang University of the Arts. Her Artist Diploma was awarded with the Folkwangpreis and invited to the Folkwang Physical Theatre Festival 2012. She is two-time scholarship holder of the Migros Kulturprozent. Since her graduation she is working as freelance actress.
25 mins
Artistic Direction / Performance: Sindy Tscherrig
Thanks to Lisa Balzer
Price of admission
15 € / 8 € reduced