Project HaHa
Thursday, 2. July 2015 - 15:00

»Project HaHa« welcomes us to an upside-down world that sews together the silence of possibility and the noise of waiting. Beautiful, placid perhaps. Where characters are running on the spot watching a rain of fake flowers. Where one tries to levitate and another finds a painful way to smile forever. So eat your pill. Let’s put flowery dresses on and build a house. We will not just sit and study little things. We’ll look straight into the sun. Imagine, if for one instance, gravity could disappear…»Project HaHa« is an ironic and hallucinogenic exploration of our desire to be happy now. Following the assumption that every individual has the right to be happy we start immediately looking for the one to blame if the promise doesn’t come true. Using naive and manic physicality and hypnotic images, RemoteControl is gripped in a dance macabre with joy.
»Not that we would wish exile on anyone,
but please let this company maroon themselves again to see what they come up with next.«
Fest Magazine
»It’s difficult to do surrealism well, but this troupe nailed it.« ThreeWeekst
Artistic Direction / Performance
Petra Casale
Ingrid Liavaag
Emily Wachter
Chistine Ryndak
Light Design
Marco Turcich
Set Design
Matilde Marangoni
Molly Nicholson
Price of admission
15 € / 8 € reduced